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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Body Language-Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Some people just can’t get close. They stand off, keep their distance, and make it clear they need room. The ever arrogant narcissist maintains this space. They are not ones for slapping others on the back or giving hugs. Rather, haughtiness and a sense of superiority define their body language.

An underlying fear that others might discern their flaws drives another aspect of their body language. The pathological worry about personal defects makes appearance an utmost concern of narcissists. Clothing, hair style and accessories are the latest styles along with high status designer labels. They tend to associate with physically attractive people as it would be beneath them to do otherwise. Their body language and appearance all serve the overarching need to be special and superior, free from mistakes or fault.

Whenever this veneer of superiority is pricked by criticism or failure a rapid change in body language becomes evident. Downcast dejection, followed by anger, then by flight are the common response patterns by narcissists to even the mildest disapprovals. Since these people require constant admiration, they tend to be either alone or surrounded by sycophants who feed or exploit their self centered needs

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